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Did you see the glee in his face when she said she’ll stop bothering him about being a c...

Irrelevant (-_x) January 22, 2021 7:03 pm

Did you see the glee in his face when she said she’ll stop bothering him about being a celeb and how his face dropped when he realised she’s not leaving him alone. My poor son, this bitch needs to f*ck off. She seriously has no rights to know what he’s doing all the time and to be demanding things of him. She’s not even his gf and still tries to act up like one, hell not even a gf would be this overbearing. Even if they become friends, it will be an unhealthy relationship cuz of how stalkerish she acts, he is his own person, what he gets up to, in his own time is his business and it’s his choice to confide in you about it, if he so wants. I really hope she isn’t his future gf. I don’t want there to be any romance in this story, He’s only just learning to place his faith in other ppl. Romance just wouldn’t suit the plot or his character development rn.

    Neru January 22, 2021 8:23 pm

    And at the end how she act bcs she's not "happy" to have followed him to an orphana (yes SHE asked to come with him even though SHE didn't know where and SHE's still being ultra anoying bcs she actually followed him somewhere she didn't like ??????? LIKE ALLOOO WWTFFFFFF)

    Ines_Ivy January 23, 2021 12:11 am

    And he told her numerous occasions he does not want to be associated with her but she completely ignored his wishes and put her own wish in front of his, which is toxic and she sucks.
    The part when he told her he would rather work in orphanage then as an actor and she is like "wtf you talking about? Why would you say that??" Made me so mad!
    She's being stereotypical "bitchy" and clingy, and then you add toxic and stalking tendencies just cause he's hot (that's legit only reason she's around him) and I feel so sorry for MC.
    When I saw that extra picture about author congratulating us holidays with two of them in the pic I just knew she is FL and i hate it.

    Neru January 23, 2021 1:55 pm
    And he told her numerous occasions he does not want to be associated with her but she completely ignored his wishes and put her own wish in front of his, which is toxic and she sucks.The part when he told her h... Ines_Ivy

    Ikr me too even though I hate her she legit make me want to drop this

    If only it was Bl there wouldn't be this useless problem :FeelsBadMen: