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I kinda thought He Tian and Red head dude would be a nice extra pairing in this, but I've ...

Cece November 16, 2015 10:21 am

I kinda thought He Tian and Red head dude would be a nice extra pairing in this, but I've pretty much changed my mind about that. He Tian is acting like an asshole for no reason and I'm starting to dislike him.

    Anonymous November 16, 2015 12:50 pm

    I thought so too and was gonna say something but then realized Xi gives Yi a bloody nose all the time or bruises his face up..its usually done for comedic effect but..and this is a guy who hit someone with a rock..Idk how to feel. ( ̄へ ̄)

    Cece November 16, 2015 2:13 pm

    Well, I get what you mean. Tbh, I hate violence for comedy in any form of fiction. I don't get what's funny about it at all..
    And I don't like that part of Jian Yi and Zhang Xi's relationship, but compared to the other two it's not based on one of them being threatened and they truly care for each other a lot. And Zhang Xi only hits him when he's annoyed by him (although he obviously still shouldn't lol), while He Tian does it for no reason.
    But well, since it's just used for comedy and I love their relationship aside from that, I can kind of look past it (it's nothing I'm not used to seeing. Meh.)
    And I don't care about what red head did to Zhang Xi, since he's has pretty much already paid for it (he got beat up and suspended). Not that I'm the kind of person who thinks revenge is the way to go, lol.

    Cece November 16, 2015 2:15 pm

    Oops I mean Zheng Xi.

    Anonymous November 16, 2015 7:24 pm
    Well, I get what you mean. Tbh, I hate violence for comedy in any form of fiction. I don't get what's funny about it at all..And I don't like that part of Jian Yi and Zhang Xi's relationship, but compared to th... Cece

    When you put it that way..agreed. Tbh I was never a huge fan of He Tian in the first place and only looked forward to Red and him being a thing to get him away from Jian Yi. So for me its like throwing a sacrificial lamb to a wolf. If its Red or Jian Yi..sorry Red. :p