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i mean uh

Megami-Rori January 21, 2021 7:18 am

it's just wrong in some parts lol. It would be better if todo didnt have sex with a middle school deku tho but it's not pedophilia yall. idk abt child sexual abuse tho since ig it's a dubcon? i mean it depends on what deku's age is and what's the age for sexual activity in japan. It just depends ig. 13 is the the age of consent in japan soo it just depends on how old deku is. Anddd it's not pedophilia yall, read @/shizu 's comment below that talks abt pedophilia and child sexual abuse. It really would have been better if they didnt do it with the middle school midoriya, fluff is more suitable. It just doesnt sit right with me but it really depends on deku's age. And technically it isnt rape ngl since i think he gave consent??? AGAIN, i am not sure of deku's age but the middle school age range for japan is 12-15 and age of consent is 13 so it all depends on this stuff. but yea this can be considered as shota since deku looks like 13 or below and his age is 12-15.

unrealted(kind of related) question tho: if this is dependent on deku's age when BNHA started, then deku is 14 and technically he can consent?? im not sure abt what im saying soo if im wrong just correct me calmly. thank u

    Megami-Rori January 21, 2021 7:25 am

    andd dont come arguing here without knowing the tags, genre, and other stuffs. If u read and u think it's pedophilia and child abuse, expand your knowledge abt japan's age of consent, character's age, giving consent in the story(if it's non-consensual, consensual, or dubcon), how the story goes(did the character force the character2 or smthn?). It all depends on the flow of the story and the information abt the origin of this manga, characters info, and other stuff. Pls dont come at me angrily or smthn jsdnfijsndiufvdfv if im wrong at some parts, pls correct me calmly.