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CLRD/TS Volonteer?? :)

WowBubbles January 20, 2021 12:17 am

Hi!! I don't know how to get in contact with the translator so starting a topic (and a comment) ^^- if you, the translator of ch 9- will continue this, would you like some help with cleaning, redrawing and/or typesetting? :) I like your translation work, and i really like this story so i would love to help out!!(=・ω・=) I can't translate but I love to help out in other ways. I have worked on other projects and can send you some of my previous work if you'd like to see :D. If you want my help send a private message- or reply here with how i can contact you.

Regardless, great job and best wishes for the future!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!! :D
