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Do not hate on takuto

Taurus January 19, 2021 5:17 pm

Lmao i see people hatin on taku for being toxic. Well, i just wanna express my "analyzation" of the story. He did love haesoo in his own process and in his own way and somehow saved him from the toxicity caused by joowon. And he did not force haesoo to love him in any sort of way, in fact he respected haesoo. When haesoo decided to finally break it off with him, he respected it. He lacks love and he's looking for it, he thought he could find it with heasoo but he was wrong. He tried to convince haesoo to forget joowon bc what they have is not easy and is toxic, imagine being fuck buddies w ur step brother and causing ur parents to divorce and all while keep hurting each other bc they try to keep their feelings secret. He just wanted haesoo to be happy, so much that even if it wasnt with him, its fine.

    gardenfairy January 19, 2021 6:19 pm

    Lmao wtf the reading comprehension is in HELL im screaming
    Taku literally wanted to use Haesoo like he did with all his models. He wasnt trying to help or save haesoo whatsoever

    Tortugas January 19, 2021 7:23 pm

    I see what you did, this post is satire of the average Taku Stan’s reading comprehension, right? “Analyzation”

    gardenfairy January 20, 2021 7:00 am

    I wrote this for you <33

    "Analyzation" isn't selective reading lmao

    Tortugas January 20, 2021 10:58 pm
    I wrote this for you <33"Analyzation" isn't selective reading lmao gardenfairy

    “Analyzation” sounds like some new kind of anus play

    gardenfairy January 20, 2021 11:22 pm
    “Analyzation” sounds like some new kind of anus play Tortugas

    abhsdfgdgs stooop

    (it does tho)