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Can anyone rec me any oneshot /doujinshi w smut Yaoi

AnonymousFujoshisquid January 18, 2021 1:51 pm

I just read these:

but somehow the first time i read it idkw but while reading my face was like a statue, of course i was still feeling my fujoshi insticnts but somehow this time my insticnts weren't very active? Then the second time i read this again:

I wasnt very much feeling anything ┑( ̄ へ ̄)┍ like, it feels like i was just looking at the pages while reading them but still feel like : (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜....... ( ̄へ ̄)......... , so i figured maybe i just read to many yaoi lately (i mean like i read yaoi stories everyday , My daily dose of yaoi bruh) Maybe i just need to read more yaoi with more smut or just go to google ,turn on incognito mode and search: Yaoi hentai ,go to image look at the image ( i did it i feel something a bit but there is some problem with my face , its still a statue

Somebody tell me what to do ,like i feel the need to read yaoi but them why me not having that me much reaction?!?!:( normally id be already covering my face w guilt but NOW I DONT LOOK LIKE IM READING YAOI
