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Sigh, I was actually interested for Peilin's story to become a BL hehehe~~~ Turns out it's...

frxstine January 18, 2021 7:20 am

Sigh, I was actually interested for Peilin's story to become a BL hehehe~~~ Turns out it's just a twisted love of a crossdresser. What a pity. Well, I just hope Peilin can be happy without too much worries or burden to think about anymore. The same goes for Feng Nanzhin. Like,,, the two of them have suffered so much. Their friendship was broken because of the original Empress Wei (although I blame Consort Yue and the maid more since they were the ones that put the bad ideas to the Empress's head). I hope they can finally find some happiness and love for themselves roo~

Anw, I wonder how that idiot Princess and Consort Yue will be dealing with this now lololol. This'll be so embarrassing for them, the Emperor literally watches our FL write her manuscripts and she just came back from Sila (where she was asked to write huabens to get Silans interested in reading btw). The Consort is just being dumb now lmfao,,, they better get punished for trying to defame and accuse an Imperial Consort (specifically, the Emperor's favorite and most beloved woman).
