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Why all of comments is being like that, Yes Azusa did bad things in the past but my point ...

Ervie January 18, 2021 4:32 am

Why all of comments is being like that, Yes Azusa did bad things in the past but my point here is that jerk kaede gosh he even act high and mighty but now what we see him assaulting his fated mate coz yeah he's the one u should be with like wtf this story is so fuck up on this chapter 9 its clearly says that kaede didn't love asusa he just stay with him out of responsibility coz he don't want to be like his father gosh, if u want to mate him gooo but I hope azusa also find his fated. Am I the only one who's breaking seeing azusa like that huhuhuhu that alpha didn't love him but azusa loved him very much
