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I legit thought that Cole would be a sexy hunk who was madly in love with Isaac but that w...

Bibidibabidiboo January 17, 2021 11:05 am

I legit thought that Cole would be a sexy hunk who was madly in love with Isaac but that was all clown shit cause what I got in return was an uglyass old man with wrinkles and an ugly ass personality

    Izaya Mania January 17, 2021 12:08 pm


    ME WANT YUYANG ME WANT LI HUAN January 17, 2021 7:29 pm

    wait who's cole

    Mika January 17, 2021 7:32 pm

    Y’all Cole is the villain who’s doing all this shit. Basically he’s Isaac’s stepfather (he forced Isaac’s biological father to marry him, and then killed him). Cole is the one who eventually kidnaps Benjamin because Isaac has some documents proving that Cole is a criminal and that he’s been doing some shady shit. Anyways Cole finds out Isaac is an omega and goes after him which is GROSS since he’s old af and ISAAC’S STEPFATHER FFS. But anyways I’m glad he’s gross because I hate love triangles with a passion. They’re so cliched and I’m glad this story doesn’t need them because it’s so interesting without it. Keep the focus on Felix and Isaac pls

    Riven January 17, 2021 7:40 pm
    Y’all Cole is the villain who’s doing all this shit. Basically he’s Isaac’s stepfather (he forced Isaac’s biological father to marry him, and then killed him). Cole is the one who eventually kidnaps B... Mika

    So spoilers??

    ME WANT YUYANG ME WANT LI HUAN January 17, 2021 8:06 pm
    Y’all Cole is the villain who’s doing all this shit. Basically he’s Isaac’s stepfather (he forced Isaac’s biological father to marry him, and then killed him). Cole is the one who eventually kidnaps B... Mika

    i just asked who tf is cole and i got spoiled but ty

    Mika January 18, 2021 1:58 am

    Sorry it’s hella hard to explain without spoilers and I forgot to give a warning

    Bibidibabidiboo January 18, 2021 4:16 am
    Y’all Cole is the villain who’s doing all this shit. Basically he’s Isaac’s stepfather (he forced Isaac’s biological father to marry him, and then killed him). Cole is the one who eventually kidnaps B... Mika

    Where can I read the novel?

    Riven January 18, 2021 5:48 am

    I'm happy to have spoilers
    And where can I read the novel as well

    Mika January 18, 2021 6:30 am
    I'm happy to have spoilers And where can I read the novel as well Riven

    Tbh I read it from a blog post after searching up “Dear Benjamin novel updates” so I haven’t read the actual novel since I can’t find a translated version- but if y’all find it pls link!