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The mangago community strikes again with their over the top reactions when it comes to gir...

Cece November 2, 2015 3:28 pm

The mangago community strikes again with their over the top reactions when it comes to girls who happens to not be as nice as you want them to be.

She isn't that bad, seriously. She just told him about some rumors and gave him a warning, what's the big deal? She doesn't deserve to die or get hit for something like that. What are you, little kids? At most she just deserves to get told off.

    Yaoi M7c November 2, 2015 5:46 pm

    I get what you're saying, but the problem is that she didn't say that to him because she was worried about him,but because she thought that by saying so, the "annoyance" in her way would disappear (and you can tell that this is what she's thinking by the way it's phrased and by the look on her face as she says it)

    That is the definition of a bitch that needs to get a punch to the face..... -.-'''

    A November 2, 2015 6:25 pm

    I'm sure there are young people reading on here, maybe they're a bit extreme in some reactions, but looking down on them by calling them little kids isn't that mature either...

    I think most reactions may seem strong because at the end of the day, that girl is pretty much the same girl as in other yaoi manga: the girl that tries to get in between the guys.
    It's not about what one did anymore, I think the annoyance just pilled up along the way.

    I'm getting really tired of this kind of character myself and they're one-dimensional treatment.
    If I was looking for a complex female character that isn't as nice as she seems, I know it's definitely not in a bl manga I'd search for it. This one is basically just a trope at this point, not a character.

    Anoni Grrl November 2, 2015 6:26 pm

    Well, she is fictional, and most of us don't read Yoai for the "sisterhood is powerful" message. In real life, I may try to be fair. As a character, it's okay to hate her.

    HM November 2, 2015 8:37 pm

    Needless to say that violence isn’t acceptable unless one is a caveman or something like that. But what she did isn’t a peccadillo either and she told him about the “incident” with expediency. Just to get the possible rival out of her way. She is a pretty scheming, egomaniacal and calculating person. Someone who would stop at nothing to achieve their goal. And if the worst comes to the worst something like this, spreading such rumors, can kinda like destroy someone. What she’s doing is equal to calumny.

    Cece November 2, 2015 11:25 pm

    I didn't expect so many replies, haha!

    To be fair, her intentions aren't 100% clear, but if she did it because she wants to get in between the two of them it doesn't make her horrible enough to get hit or killed for. And it's normal to fight when you're in love with someone, since they're a rival. It would be another thing if they were actually a couple, of course, but they're not. Although her method of doing it is very cowardly.

    Maybe I did go overboard by calling them little kids. I was just a little annoyed since this happens so often, sorry.
    I agree about this kind of girl being common and I'm also tired of it, but even if I think that I can still think about the matter without going overboard with the unneccessary torture/die/burn/bitch/get hit comments. It's kind of funny 'cuz people never react this strongly when the annoying rival in BL is a guy.

    People always use the "it's just fictional" excuse. It's the same as when people try to discuss rape in BL manga.

    I'm just complaining at the people going overboard about the matter. I don't like her either..