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Idc about the sex or rape.

ma boie January 16, 2021 1:15 pm

I mean. I guess the rape makes sense since well.. how do I explain this?

Its like a tourist first time in another country. They literally spend all their money like no tomorrow since they call it "a once in a lifetime experience" the island is the same thing.

A island with no laws and you can get whatever you want. You even get food and by the end of it u get the money. Naturally people get the high and literally rape everything they see.

Its kinda the first things you think about when you hear "no laws" you can rape, kill and do whatever but mostly the first 2 was thought first. I'm still sticking to the story. I actually like it. I usually just skip some of the sex scenes. I actually laughed when the psycho taped the laptop on the girl while he was fucking.
