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bad start

kim January 15, 2021 4:38 pm

all i can say is, they just started on the wrong foot...their relationship did not actually start consensually, literally it was just one-sided... full of manipulation and illusion...for now their relationship is toxic ... it's really better to take some time off from this kind of relationship...not to run away but to test if they truly love each other especially on kaede's side...was he being responsible and scared not to end up like his dad or does he truly love his mate...and azusa also need to reflect from his wrong doings..he was obviously being selfish and desperate..but i know and i understand that he was just madly inlove and he also tries to correct everything but failed and end up dating kaede close to a year..,.but yet it's still not sure and clear if kaede truly him or not... I'm kinda excited if they would end up together (which is i think they will ) and have babies if author would allow it...
