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Finished season two and...

Kriss January 15, 2021 10:30 am

Came straight over here to read where it left off. So much happened. Finally finding out Kyo’s connection to Kyoko, Hatsuharu and Rin finding each other again, seeing Tohru’s father, Kyoko’s death, which was excruciating to read, Haru almost bearing the shit out of Akito (if only...), Tohru and Kyo finally confessing their feelings, the curse breaking, everyone moving on, etc. I loved it, tbh. Bittersweet to have it end.

I will say that I wish Kyoko and Kyo would’ve continued their friendship. Like, what if Kazuma and Kyoko had met and fell in love? Tohru and Kyo could’ve still fell in love, and she could’ve still developed relationships with the rest of the family and searched for the curse. Reading how Kyoko died and seeing her thoughts as she begged Kyo to look after her daughter was so hard. I wish she had lived.

Anyway, thinking about reading the sequel, but that’ll be sometime later.

    animejt May 11, 2021 5:18 pm

    The spinoff is pretty interesting. Akito definently changed in the spin off. After having a son she 100% changed. It's kinda fucked up because people target her son for something she did in the past. Like really going after a child that has nothing to do what happened between the adults is fucked up. They would leave nasty notes for him about Akito which pissed him off. He still loves her even though she told him what she has done to people. I mean they did things that Akito never got to do with her father or mother. When they do have family gatherings Akito doesn't go to them because she doesn't trigger anything that happened in the past. She definently raised her son to be a good person. Don't worry he(son) has his cousins to help him too. So yeah her son didn't grow up like her.