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Dropping it

Biatch January 14, 2021 4:57 pm

I stopped at chap 39 cause I hate the mc. She doesn't even work hard, she just uses her father and spirits powers. She's also too cocky and so showy. And I just fucking wish she could just tell them straight out she was a girl and not complain all the damn time. Just reading this only because of Ifrit and earth spirit.

    Yuki January 14, 2021 7:50 pm

    Omg I thought the same. She got so much potential but doesn't use it. She let others decide for her, how the f* did she want to live by herself when she is so full of herself and has her head way up in the clouds ( ̄へ ̄)

    I'll stop at ch. 22 at the moment bc it's boring

    Zola_ January 15, 2021 7:02 am
    Omg I thought the same. She got so much potential but doesn't use it. She let others decide for her, how the f* did she want to live by herself when she is so full of herself and has her head way up in the clou... Yuki

    dude i swear she relies on the spirits too much, she's taught on how to wield a sword yet doesnt use it, if we're talking about her OWN power where she controls it, I would be ok with it, but shes straight up just summoning high level spirits ヽ(`Д´)ノ