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youth2byyoung January 14, 2021 3:44 pm

its not that hyesung is sexually attracted to them pretty omegas, its just that he wants to emulate what they show off (i.e being pretty, soft (also rich) its like he looks up to them because he's still adjusting being omega and a mom, but dojin takes this like hyesung has the hots for the omegas so...... we'll see how papa dojin will "work all night" :3

ps, plus, hyesung hasnt met a "proper" omega till recently to learn from so he is taking what he can from his surroundings esp now thay he's in college which means a more diverse crowd. he's been hanging out exclusively with alphas and betas till now so oof

    bl_loverlmao January 14, 2021 3:48 pm

    oh! that makes so much sense! i was gonna get mad if he was actually attracted to them lmao