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I know they had good intentions and are good people, but the adventurer party was just so ...

JessFS January 14, 2021 1:19 am

I know they had good intentions and are good people, but the adventurer party was just so creepy when they approached Arito. They stalked him, forced their presence on him, and then made sure he kept going with them (even took him to their house??) and now the elf is even following him on his personal business? Maybe they can justify such behavior with being worried because he has a child's appearance, but doesn't that make it even creepier? Four strangers stalking and coercing a child who doesn't want or need their company/help? That's a red light for me. Honestly, if I was Arito I would have run away as soon I realised that big guy was staring at my back during the queue, and if even so they followed I'd go down that road screaming kidnappers and would use the divine beats help to escape. I would never be able to get close to people who approached me in such pushy manner.
Also, the manga is adorably fluffy, but Arito is such a goody two shoes? I would have at least beaten the f out of all those pursuers and that creepy baron kid, and I would definitely kill that slave trader. Maybe I'm evil, idk ¯¯_(ヅ)_/¯¯
