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Suho and Jugyeong are very selfish towards Seojun. Suho calling Seojun to take care of Jug...

AnonHatesCanonSometimes January 13, 2021 4:09 pm

Suho and Jugyeong are very selfish towards Seojun. Suho calling Seojun to take care of Jugyeong despite knowing he had a crush on her and Jugyeong dumping him despite all those years he stood by her side. Why is Seojun always the one carry everything on his shoulders? I get that she has low self esteem and crazy fans of Seojun exist but Seojun is the one with his career on the line. All she has to do is work around it and manage her social media a bit more carefully. It's not like she wasn't already looking for a career in the public eye. She would've had to learn this eventually. Her excuse is that it's too hard, is kinda dog shit. Bitch, being an idol is too hard! Now she's going to run back Suho like it wasn't an excuse. It's lazy writing on the authors part..............Frustration released lol can't wait for the next chapter. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    AnimeGirl January 13, 2021 4:42 pm

    I kinda don't agree with you but i understand what you want to say. But look at this way, the idols have it real hard cuz the companies that have them have rules about dating, so i really am compassionate towards jugyeong. They were in love and had to break up because of seojun's career. I don't see any selfishness here from her. Also there were many times when we could see that between suho and jugyeong the business isn't finished, it never was. And i think suho asked for seojun to look after jugyeong because they were also friends above everything else. It was hard then and it's hard now. Looking at all the circumstances until now i can only see that jugyeong has bad luck in the love department.

    Fluffy49 January 13, 2021 5:38 pm


    AnonHatesCanonSometimes January 13, 2021 5:47 pm

    They didn't enforce any rules on her, the guy tried to lie to her once and they never reached out to her directly again. It's not like they threw it on her that she'd have to hide her relationship, she knew that from the start and she still wasn't careful. Oh this pot is hot to the touch? Let me just touch it with my barehand. She posted about the piece of jewelry she was making him knowing he would wear it. And let's say they are friends above everything else, why is it okay for Suho to just ghost him and call back like nothing happened. Where was their friendship when Seojun was struggling by himself. His legitim friends stood by him and tried supporting him while Suho ignored his existence. That definitely goes both ways mind you but it does show you that their friendship is very flimsy. You can say that Jugyeon has tough time with love but I can also say that she gave up after barely trying. It's not Seojun's career it's her weak resolve.

    AnimeGirl January 14, 2021 10:31 am
    They didn't enforce any rules on her, the guy tried to lie to her once and they never reached out to her directly again. It's not like they threw it on her that she'd have to hide her relationship, she knew tha... AnonHatesCanonSometimes

    I don't think that way. Except that maybe suho was in the wrong for ignoring everyone even jugyeong when they just confessed to each other. And yes they do have a rule even in here about the dating you can see it, the agent was so obvious what was asking that it even wasn't worth mentioning it. It was just like "i know you know what you have to do" and that's it. Seojun is not in the wrong here and also jugyeong is not. Their love just had to end for one's to persue his career. That's it. That was the price.

    AnonHatesCanonSometimes January 14, 2021 3:09 pm

    That's fine if you don't see it that way, but your just reestablishing what I've already said and missing the fact no one approached her again to break up with him. You can imply all you want but nobody can make you do anything, especially not this company since she continued to date him afterward. Plus her reasoning wasn't the company, she herself said it was too hard to date him. My point is that she gave up after barely trying to make it work not that she's at fault for the breakup. See it however you like but I'm going to agree to disagree

    AnimeGirl January 14, 2021 10:24 pm
    That's fine if you don't see it that way, but your just reestablishing what I've already said and missing the fact no one approached her again to break up with him. You can imply all you want but nobody can mak... AnonHatesCanonSometimes

    Actually no, i think you misinterpreted the situation. Look at chapter 126 and then 127. The agent that was sent stated that that was critical period for seojun and that she knew what decision needed to be made. He also stated that seojun agrees also with him, and jugyeong was shocked hearing that. After that when the couple saw each other she asked him and he said that he only said that so they would stop pester him and they could continue seeing secretly. So actually that's not fair lol.

    AnonHatesCanonSometimes January 15, 2021 4:40 am
    Actually no, i think you misinterpreted the situation. Look at chapter 126 and then 127. The agent that was sent stated that that was critical period for seojun and that she knew what decision needed to be made... AnimeGirl

    I can see that she was clearly hurt that Seojun would say that but he explained that was to just to get his manager off his back. But he also said that they could continue to date in secret. You can tell by her reaction that she doesn't like that idea. She doesn't think it would work out. Her resolve for the relationship is already weak and this is just another thing on top of it. She had already been sad about not being able to see him as much, and this added to it. I'm trying to convey, that to me, these things are minor if the guy you genuinely like says that he's willing to jump through hoops to be with you. Maybe his vision was shortsighted when he agreed but he thought he was doing it for their interest. She, from my perspective, just saw it as another hill that she would have to climb over. When I think of liking a someone, I think of sometimes making sacrifices and to me Jugyeong didn't seem like she wanted to commit because as she said, it was too hard. Which is fine, it just makes me think she wasn't a 100% about them. That's just my perspective there's more than one way of seeing it I'm sure but that's how I'm seeing it.