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How do the both of these idiots keep getting poisoned so easily in their own castle?

Xylade January 13, 2021 1:04 am

In the beginning didn't they go over how Ruve had particular tastes and only ate certain things.Tia made an entire show of knowing the foods he ate when is such a secret and no one, including her, should know what the royal family eats. Wouldn't he have only one chef tending to his food and select maids making his tea. How do the both of these idiots keep getting poisoned so easily in their own castle??? I kind of understand Tia drinking something said to be from the prince but other than that this is the weakest plot point ever. The king even gave Tia a special tea set to detect poison are you telling me the Ruve doesn't have any special silver tea sets? All of spoons should at least be able to detect poison in this society, since the plot is in medieval so they aren't that advanced to have an undetectable poison
