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actualtrash January 12, 2021 7:29 am

I love when homophobes are one of the MCs woo (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Ggmazes January 12, 2021 7:37 am

    I'd think someone was disgusting, too, if they assaulted me and then tried to make ME feel guilty for not wanting them to get to close to me and saying that /I/ was the one hurting /their/ feelings.

    Fox spirit January 12, 2021 7:41 am
    I'd think someone was disgusting, too, if they assaulted me and then tried to make ME feel guilty for not wanting them to get to close to me and saying that /I/ was the one hurting /their/ feelings. Ggmazes


    actualtrash January 12, 2021 8:05 am
    I'd think someone was disgusting, too, if they assaulted me and then tried to make ME feel guilty for not wanting them to get to close to me and saying that /I/ was the one hurting /their/ feelings. Ggmazes

    Wow one gay person makes a move on you when both of you are drunk so that gives you the right to say being gay is disgusting. Ok that explains the homophobia. I can’t believe I couldn’t see it from the victims pov thnx for enlightening me

    Karis January 12, 2021 8:53 am
    Wow one gay person makes a move on you when both of you are drunk so that gives you the right to say being gay is disgusting. Ok that explains the homophobia. I can’t believe I couldn’t see it from the vict... actualtrash

    dudde what are u talking about.. the seme was obv pushing his boundaries onto the uke and the uke never even said yes to any of it. plus if someone straight were to pull the same shit on someone whos lgbtq+ then that person would automatically be invalidating their sexuality

    Itiswhatitis January 12, 2021 9:03 am
    Wow one gay person makes a move on you when both of you are drunk so that gives you the right to say being gay is disgusting. Ok that explains the homophobia. I can’t believe I couldn’t see it from the vict... actualtrash

    Wtf is up with you, he didn't "Make a move" he assaulted a drunk person, he wasn't disgusted by him being gay, he was disgusted by his actions, it wasn't that hard to understand

    Ggmazes January 12, 2021 9:41 am
    Wow one gay person makes a move on you when both of you are drunk so that gives you the right to say being gay is disgusting. Ok that explains the homophobia. I can’t believe I couldn’t see it from the vict... actualtrash

    I have to say: your username is so accurate.
    Assault is assault, no matter what. He didn't make 'a move', he got the uke drunk and kissed him. Then, he continuously invaded the uke's space and tried to make him feel bad for not liking how he was treated.
    It has nothing to do with either's sexualities, it has to do with the fact that the seme was doing things to uke that the uke didn't like.
    That's some pretty disgusting behavior in my book.
    And if it isn't in yours, then something is wrong with you.

    actualtrash January 12, 2021 1:46 pm
    I have to say: your username is so accurate. Assault is assault, no matter what. He didn't make 'a move', he got the uke drunk and kissed him. Then, he continuously invaded the uke's space and tried to make him... Ggmazes

    Y’all need to chill no where in my comment did I say the gay guy was good LOL. I literally implied he was bad. Anyways I hate when one of the characters are straight and homophobic. It’s a yaoi so I’d like both characters to at least like guys sexually. I didn’t realize I needed to spell it out for dense mfs. Y’all thought you did sth there

    アニメ♥ January 12, 2021 2:54 pm
    Y’all need to chill no where in my comment did I say the gay guy was good LOL. I literally implied he was bad. Anyways I hate when one of the characters are straight and homophobic. It’s a yaoi so I’d lik... actualtrash

    Lmao no u thought u did smth there .. also the uke never said him being gay was disgusting so he wasn’t being a homophobic he was literally saying he either doesn’t Understand it and that his actions were what disgusted him..

    Cool kid Conner January 12, 2021 3:22 pm
    Lmao no u thought u did smth there .. also the uke never said him being gay was disgusting so he wasn’t being a homophobic he was literally saying he either doesn’t Understand it and that his actions were w... アニメ♥

    Lmao exactly, plus I think his internalized homophobia is something many ppl deal with. He's uncomfortable bc 1 he is not used to liking a man, and 2 that man is hella forceful.

    Ggmazes January 12, 2021 11:28 pm
    Y’all need to chill no where in my comment did I say the gay guy was good LOL. I literally implied he was bad. Anyways I hate when one of the characters are straight and homophobic. It’s a yaoi so I’d lik... actualtrash

    You might not have said the seme was a good guy, but you did imply that he was the victim and was allowed to have hurt feelings over a STRAIGHT man not liking his advances. It's not homophobia, when you've told the person you don't see them that way and they continue to ignore you and do what they want. Also, the seme isn't gay, he's bisexual and you continuously calling him gay is erasing his identity as a bisexual.

    Daemon August 22, 2023 4:52 am

    He called the MC disgusting not the fact that he was gay disgusting. He criticised his character, not his sexuality.