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Classic reincarnation story where the heroine is a bitch.

PAPI CHULO January 12, 2021 3:39 am

Of course i know the “villainess” didn’t reincarnated but the heroine did so it’s technically a reincarnation story.

Also how the fuck do they not notice how cunning and bitchy the heroine is? Like did they not notice that sly remark she made or the bitchy smile? The bitch came in with a scholarship you have to be really smart to have a scholarship so how tf are you not even in the top ten? Even though this story is a little cliché i also really like it because of how unexpected the story is.

You think the brother in law will be an asshole because he looks like one but really he a overprotective big crybaby/worrywart and the fiancé isn’t even a dick.

Sure he did betray his fiancé and childhood friend but instead of being like most douchy prince he actually felt guilty. I still don’t feel bad for him but he isn’t a bad guy with a horrible personality so far. Also I’m not a fan of the red haired knight.

Don’t get me wrong he is cute but i ship her more with the 2nd prince then with him. The 2nd prince seems like he doesn’t give two fucks about the bitchy heroine. While the knight is supposedly a playboy (idk) but i just don’t ship them. I really love the art though!

And truthfully I don’t understand story about heroine that makes every love interest falls for them. I can’t do that whenever i play otome games especially voltage inc games because I don’t like seeing them hurt when I don’t choose them and actually what make me annoyed is how they always go for a taken man. Like bitch if you’re gonna have a polygamy relationship or make multiple men love you then leave the taken/engaged man out of it. Like y’all heroines really be a homewreaker.
