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am i just dumb or

AmyzingAmy January 12, 2021 3:19 am

i like the story, it's a pretty unique one! i dont really like hero-villainy things but this is cool.
so to the main concern: i feel like the plot's a little confusing? is it just me? did the mc ever awaken superpowers like ye zimu? has it been revealed why mc hates ye zimu so much, like was he the reason for his aunt's death or smthn (has it even been revealed how his aunt died.. was it that bastard uncle?)?
i feel like one event is wrapped up and then it jumps straight into another scenario and then i get befuddled. like there was that sports competition or smthn and then next chapter is a totally different scenario, y'know?? and i also question the logic behind some things, like how did the mc suddenly end up on a cliff to erase kosova's tracks?
