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im desperate its been like twenty minutes which doesnt seem like a lot but im tired and i dont have time to cr

heapaas January 11, 2021 5:20 pm

ok time to give an unnecessarily long-winded summary of this manga cause i’m gonna go nuts i stg. sorry if i bore anyone. its a shorter one, but theres only one chapter i care about which is near the end and its of a different couple than the other chapters i think?? idk dont remember the rest of the manga.

anyway so
these two guys are coworkers and the mc is obsessed with topping his coworker and this bar lady eggs him and is like you got this just get him drunk and bring gim over. so he does that and is starting to make the moves and then the second guy just like ties his hands together and mc is like ok wait what. im supposed to top you. but the second guy admits he wanted to top mc for ages and then they fuck and mc becomes a bottom bitch for him sorry for the bore i really really hope someone can help im sorry please thank you sorry again
