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why does he need to ex to approve of his relationship like damn before this i thought ever...

namja January 10, 2021 7:44 am

why does he need to ex to approve of his relationship like damn before this i thought everything the ex said wasnt even a big deal since its respectful to ask for the opinion of others in a relationship but now he's just being a p*ssy ass bitch

like thats your goddamn ex not your mother tf are you some sort of teenage boy who cant get into a relationship without the permission of others? this isnt even about manliness anymore its one of the most ridiculous prerequisite's to a relationship ive ever seen or read and its not even mandatory this guy seriously has some personal issues why does she like a guy like him smh go fuck with the other dude instead

like YES take into consideration of other's thoughts and opinions before taking action but this is NOT even what borders what people actually mean when they say that

like WHY DO YOU NEED HER PERMISSION??? this is the most nonsensical thing ive read in a while i- i just dont get it i really dont like this is the opposite of common sense
