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From what I've read

Carmoy3 January 9, 2021 12:19 pm

Few spoiler ahead

Elijah - Arthur's best friend both in the present and PAST WORLD. (MAJOR SPOILER: Here to take revenge against arthur since arthur(grey) killed his fiancee right in front of him from the past world)

Tess: Thr Fl of the story(ugh) Dumb as shit. So immature, join the war to "prove" that she is strong and "mature", in the end because of her selfishness cause a lot of death in there side including her squadron. Told not to get out of the shelter since once the enemy gets her its game over for their continent still go out (YOU DUMB SHIT!) In the end causing Arthus to almost LIKE ALMOST LIKE REEAALLYY ALMOST die in order to save her, arthur only managed to survive because of his bond(selvy) SACRIFICE (NOOOO! POOR POOR SYLVY! HUHU) And causing Arthus his mana core. Yes. Arthur lost his mana core ALL BECAUSE OF HER STUPIDNESS!! (I REALLY HATE HER)

Tess parents: They betrayed the continent for tess (ugh again) to keep her safe and they died.

Arthur's parents: After Arthur confess his secret about his past life they were confuse and angry and mad and full of what if (I mean if I am in their shoe I would too) it took them years to accept that their son is in his second life. They r still on the process of healing and accepting. But they keep fighting with arthus because they participate in the war and arthus dont want them causing them to fight about it every time it is brought up. But they still love each other. AND DADDY DIED. (FUCK!)

(Bro let me tell you it was such a horrible scene and u will cry ur heart out. Arthur's emotion was so real and it was FUCKING PAINFUL! Arthur worked hard ever since he was born so he can protect his family and all of it came crashing down and the hard work and effort of all those years all crumble with the death of his father. (HUHUHU) Arthur didn't even attend his father funeral afraid that his mother would would blame him and hate him(And no Arthur's mother didn't blame him, she was so sorry that because of her arthur couldn't attend his father's funeral and ooh boy arthur cried while his mother hug him) AND MIND U LIKE LITERALLY A DAY AFTER THE DEATH OF ARTHUR'S DAD HE HAVE TO GO AND CONSOLE TESS BECAUSE SHE ISN'T RESPONDING OR TALKING OT EATING BECAUSE SHE FEEL OF THE SELFISHNESS THAT CAUSE A LOT OF DEATH. CAN U BELIEVE THAT? LIKE GIRL!! ARTHUS IS SO MUCH MUCH HURT THAN YOU! WHY DO HE HAVE TO CONSOLE U BECAUSE OF YOUR OWN MISTAKE?!)

Arthur's sister: At one point she hated arthur. She hated that he is not always there the moment they needed him the most. Hated that she couldn't have a normal life as the little sister of the youngest lance. Hated him for the reason because of him mom and dad join the war feeling obliged to. And she train to much and also join the war as a magic archer. Basically all the leywen members joined the war. And she now has a bond a fucking tall bear she called boo.

Regis: Arthur's weapon (MY FUCKING FAVORITE CHARACTER) a living weapon that grow from arthurs memory. He has first an appearance of a black blob who only floats before turning into a wolf. And he van transform into a guntlet (pfft! Athur and him argue about the name because arthur would shout "regis, come into my hand!" and he didn't like it cause of its yuck so they devide to call it guanlet form) He is the sunshine of this novel. His personality is freaking perfect. Like a 100x version of arthur that was more loveble and the quirkyness is soo good. Even if the novel is already dark his the light of that novel. He made me laugh with all his convo and usage of modern terms! (BEST CHARACTER EVER)

My thumbs is quite sore now hahaha. Anyway u guys can read the novel. Im not gonna cover all the characters and all the happening in the novel cause oh boy It wah too much. And I honestly like Tess before until the she pulled that stupid move. She is now the hatest character in the novel. The princess is less annoying.

    erina January 11, 2021 12:09 am

    can someone tell me where to read the novel? I want to spoil myself

    ann73uxis January 30, 2021 11:18 am

    Elijah wasn’t there in the past world? Elijah is a vessel for Nico and Nico wants to get Tess to be a vessel of Cecilia

    ann73uxis January 30, 2021 11:29 am
    Unfortunately yes. Elijah got noticed by the enemies and they recognized that he's one of them and kidnapped him. After years when Art and Elijah meet again, Elijah already recovered memories of his past life a... paulintka

    pleasee not ya’ll spreading false information..

    it was said in the novel that Grey never even died. He was transported into this world, n into the body of Alice n Reynolds child. meaning that the real body of Arthur leywin was a body to support Grey’s body n he was never truly born. When the attack happens n they take Elijah, he’s still Elijah. The person who took him, agrona is an ancient mage person who studied reincarnation with the use of relics. He experimented those studies on Elijah bc he proved to be powerful when he fought to get Tess back during the school attack. During the experiments, Nico got into Elijahs body n is now using it as a vessel. Nico is using his body to get Cecilia back, his fiancé who died in the hands of grey. Although Cecilia made Grey kill her, Nico doesn’t know that n blames Grey for killing the love of his life. He wants to bring her back, but in the body of Tess.

    ann73uxis January 30, 2021 11:31 am
    can someone tell me where to read the novel? I want to spoil myself erina

    it starts around 46 or 45 January 30, 2021 2:17 pm
    SSSHHHH!!! Dont tell them the secret! I was hoping to get them crazy and make them cry and shout and mourn until we reach to the scene that she's still alive and say "oh, yeah she's still alive, I didn't say sh... Carmoy3

    You lil minx...I almost dropped the manga..well I did temporarily drop it and I'll pick it back up again when it has more chapters, I can't take one chapter at a time, its extremely agonizing

    paulintka January 30, 2021 2:45 pm
    pleasee not ya’ll spreading false information.. it was said in the novel that Grey never even died. He was transported into this world, n into the body of Alice n Reynolds child. meaning that the real body of... ann73uxis

    That's not how I understood it. Elijah didn't know his origins and was raised with the dwarves, a nation that secretly supported Argona. He awakened a power that is identical to what we later see Alacryans use. From what I see, Elijah was Nico from birth, but didn't have memories from previous life the same way Art has and Argona left im to be raised by dwarves so there's a chance to interact with Grey, but at the same time a chance to take him back easily through connection with dwarves. As Elijah and Art are about the same age, they can both be experiments by Argona on fate, with one resulting in incomplete reincarnation without memories and one complete with memories. After Alacryans attack the academy and notice him and his power raging without control, they take him back to get his power and mind in order. After Elijah is taken to Alacrya, I assume Argona helped Elijah to remember his past life as Nico and gain control over his power.

    I even searched through the novel and in ch 250 there's this fragment:
    "Actually, Elijah might’ve always been Nico - I remembered Elijah telling me how his memories before arriving in the kingdom of Darv was all a blur."
    So i would say my interpretation makes more sense than Elijah suddenly turning into Nico in Alacrya.

    And bout Grey being dead or not, it was never resolved. He only remembers falling asleep as Grey and then being born as Art. He assumed he died as Grey and was reborn, but it was never confirmed what happened with Grey in the end.

    ann73uxis January 30, 2021 11:01 pm
    That's not how I understood it. Elijah didn't know his origins and was raised with the dwarves, a nation that secretly supported Argona. He awakened a power that is identical to what we later see Alacryans use.... paulintka

    If say Nico was always Elijah, how would he even bring back Cecilia then? Tess is a full grown 19yo not a Child

    paulintka January 31, 2021 12:58 pm
    If say Nico was always Elijah, how would he even bring back Cecilia then? Tess is a full grown 19yo not a Child ann73uxis

    And why those two things must be connected? Elijah being Nico from birth or early childhood doesn't mean that being young is a must. For me those two thing aren't mutually exclusive, because we don't know yet how the whole fate thing works.

    planethaku February 1, 2021 4:30 am
    SSSHHHH!!! Dont tell them the secret! I was hoping to get them crazy and make them cry and shout and mourn until we reach to the scene that she's still alive and say "oh, yeah she's still alive, I didn't say sh... Carmoy3


    ann73uxis February 1, 2021 5:23 am
    And why those two things must be connected? Elijah being Nico from birth or early childhood doesn't mean that being young is a must. For me those two thing aren't mutually exclusive, because we don't know yet h... paulintka

    n even so it’s still false information on both of our parts bc it was never even mentioned on how Nico came back

    n even so how would art’s be a complete reincarnation n nicos incomplete if correct me if I’m wrong Art is older meaning that his reincarnation (from birth) came first

    paulintka February 1, 2021 9:15 am
    n even so it’s still false information on both of our parts bc it was never even mentioned on how Nico came backn even so how would art’s be a complete reincarnation n nicos incomplete if correct me if I’... ann73uxis

    That's why to other people I told only general info of what happened. The details in my discussion with you are my understanding of events that happened and were not fully explained. What you wrote can also be called false info, because you told, that Nico got into Elijah's body only after kidnapping and that is also unconfirmed and only your interpretation. The same as saying that Art was never truly born?? This even I don't understand what you mean...

    If you're calling people out on false information then don't spread it yourself. What I told people in the post that you called out was only things that were strictly told in the novel, without any additional interpretations of my own.

    If you want to say that the false info is saying "Elijah already recovered memories of his past life as Nico", then no, it's not false. No matter when Nico got into Elijah's body, right now Elijah has both his own and Nico's memories, where Nico is not his current persona, ergo is his past life. True, Nico's emotions about Grey were stronger than the relationship Elijah build with Art, but Elijah personality isn't completely overwritten and taken over by Nico, so his current self as Elijah and his past self as Nico are both present.

    ann73uxis February 1, 2021 12:02 pm
    That's why to other people I told only general info of what happened. The details in my discussion with you are my understanding of events that happened and were not fully explained. What you wrote can also be ... paulintka

    u know how when Art told his parents abt his past life n Alice was like “I wonder what Arthur would of been like if u hadn’t come” what I meant was the REAL Arthur leywin like the one that was meant to be born n not Grey

    sirashi February 1, 2021 2:03 pm

    my heart ached so damn much after reading this.. now im having mixed feelings if i should continue reading this or nah (/TДT)/

    Yura_tan February 1, 2021 8:59 pm

    Damn so much drama

    RandomPassenger February 4, 2021 4:28 am
    I wish Author had a past lover that is as strong as Author him in past (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づthen she reincarnated and ended up with Author. That would be nice Dania

    In his past he only bond with Nico and Cecilia being her the fiancee of the first ... so no.... no past lover