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Is it just me... or is rape so overused in so much mainstream yaoi..

A Clown January 8, 2021 10:08 pm

It honestly kind of makes me sick, that I’m so many cases, there’s rape in yaoi. It’s almost like it becomes belittled, because the uke will wake up and just be like “oh well”... you can call it fiction but that’s still wrong. And the fact that it’s always sugar coated with the fact that the uke feels “pleasure” makes it worse.. It all happened way too fast, the way the uke just took it all is so unrealistic, and from the raws, it just looks like he woke up an accepted it. I hope somewhere in the raws with past chapters there was at-least some type of consent...

(Sorry if my English is bad English is not my first language)

    Chomusuke January 9, 2021 4:24 am

    Truth but i wonder why if it's the other way around, i don't see much dislike.