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New Gen shines pretty well I mean Kawaki is doing loads better than Boruto, he is just a d...

Chichijk January 8, 2021 5:17 pm

New Gen shines pretty well I mean Kawaki is doing loads better than Boruto, he is just a disappointment. Talk about privilege. Maybe it's just how I perceive him but wow, he is borderlining useless territory. Naruto and Sasuke don't need to die, they can simply have other missions or take a back seat to teach the kids and the like and if they will die, it better be a fitting end to the most powerful ninjas.

Plus the opposites thing ( Naruto/ Sasuke ) isn't going to work with Boruto and Kawaki. There needs to be that irreplaceable connection and fire, the whole thing worked for Naruto and Sasuke because they were both near brothers and the fact that their goals were justified, it explored the moral part of the story between them too. If they're going to pull the same sht with the new gen I don't see a good justification for it. I could be wrong though..
