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Megami-Rori January 8, 2021 4:04 pm

i hate that "bisexual" boy like... WTF? IF THAT WAS HIS INTENTION, WHY DATE THE GAY PERSON THEN?? stop misleading someone sigh. As a bisexual myself, i wouldn't do that but those kinds of bisexuals have the audacity to go on date a person then tell them that they'll breakup soon cuz soon they'll marry an opposite sex eventually?? Dude? gtfo of this world. I feel like you're more worse than a str8 jerk. Seriously, i want you to get out of this world soon. Bish you aint even more handsome than yeonghyun and you have the audacity to do that? I would kick you at your balls until you have ED and idc if it hurts or it's sexual harrassment.
