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ik emel has his own things to do deal with and honestly, i dont think he was wrong to leav...

est. January 8, 2021 9:16 am

ik emel has his own things to do deal with and honestly, i dont think he was wrong to leave and sort out his things in order to face estelle later on. but i dont like how he just didn't explain anything to her.

at the same time, i dont really think that the story is better with having a ML in general. i'd rather have this be a story about how Estelle becomes stronger and be her own person like in this chapter.

either way.. im team KARL ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    sweety1997 January 8, 2021 9:35 am

    same! i just wanna see her become the queen she has the potential to be and rule the world! all i need as male company for my own eye candy is seein her be the cute family she is with her bro and need for ml or what...don#t want love drama to overshadow the potential this has