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I use to love to read this in the 4th grade back in 2008 or something. I use to read it in...

Fraiser January 8, 2021 6:12 am

I use to love to read this in the 4th grade back in 2008 or something. I use to read it in the morning while listening to some Miley Cyrus, then walk to my elementary school.
Reading it now... let's just say it's not my taste. I guess I am too old for these stories since this really seems more for young girls.
The story is dumb. I don't see the appeal of good girl loves bad boy if the guy is a douche. Where's his charm?
I can't help but laugh. Who falls in love so seriously in middle school? At that age we're too awkward & immature for things like "our first love" o no se que, & all the boys & girls were such little shits. It's romanticized where I can't take this seriously.
It's ewwwww for me.
