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the movie that Aoi was talking about

jonahj January 8, 2021 1:15 am

where someone followed the railroad to find a dead body is called Stand By Me, its a classic 1986 film about four curious boys following the railroad to find the dead body of the kid who got ran over by the train. i watched that movie a while back and will rewatch again every now and then. i'd say that film is about the lucky ones who were able to form strong bonds with another at childhood, so much that even after when they're older and living their own lives, even when they havent seen their childhood friend for years, the memories they had with them is still something that stays with them forever.

so 2 things abt this movie reference;
1) i know Aoi said it was his father's favorite but seeing that he brought it up with Shiina himself must mean that that's what he felt for his childhood friend; a treasured bond.
2) maybe Aoi is referring to himself as the corpse of the kid waiting to be found/realized.

if i were the author of this manga, i probably would've been listening to Ben E. King's Stand By Me on repeat as i work on this one-shot from beginning to end
