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I hate the bitch with the red hair that horny bitch need to die

hot_yaoi_101 October 8, 2015 12:34 am

I hate the bitch with the red hair that horny bitch need to die

    SamuraiSx October 9, 2015 5:52 pm

    you're horny bitch. egocentric little brats. if you're such stupid kids you shouldn't read this or you'll shame humanity with such idiotic comments.

    hot_yaoi_101 October 9, 2015 8:32 pm

    Fuck you bitch it my opinion you can take your ass of a comment and shove it up your ass take your irritating comments some where else YOU BITCH

    speechless now October 9, 2015 10:19 pm

    SamuraiSx please stop trolling so far I have seen you comment several times and you are doing very well shaming humanity all by yourself. If it wasnt for free speech you would have been nailed in a box and sent off to neverland but since we cant stop bashing and let us enjoy this. FYI its obvious by all your comments your neither an adult nor understand adult concepts and should please leave this page. Kids should stay in the kiddy pool and leave adult things to us.