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as much as that backstory for sungha Explains doesnt rly explain why his form ...

Tai January 7, 2021 4:21 am

as much as that backstory for sungha Explains doesnt rly explain why his form of "revenge" on sooin for like existing basically lasted for SO many years? like...he p much planned to keep sooin as a idk sex slave even after he got married? idk what the author is trying to pull with this. this would be a good "reasoning" for sungha bullying and beating sooin all thru highschool and then ignoring him after. how in the world did he manage to make sooin so reliant on him and literally trap him in the house for what seemed like years just 1. cause of his daddy/mommy issues and 2. how did he trick sooin into becoming so vulnerable and have literally no other support system? (like does sooin have a family and if not why?). idk i hope there's more to this story cause if we're gonna go into the abuser's tragical backstory then i want to know how things got where they got to. cause from the looks of it Sooin knew he was rejected early on. i thought it was more subtle with him manipulating Sooin into being in a relationship and slowly but surely eroding his self confidence and isolating him and THEN graduating into physical violence and rape. the way this plays out. he was beating and crusing at sooin from the start. i know he lost his shit at sooin after the initial "confession" cause we saw that from sooin's pov. but never how he and sungha went from That point to being in a relationship toxic or otherwise. also is this intentional from the author or are am I supposed to believe that sungha isnt partially so furious cause he ALSO had feelings for Sooin but refused to acknoweldge that and decided to blame it all on Sooin for being a seductive harlot or smth or tricking sungha into liking him. THAT woulda made more sense in terms of making him want to crush Sooin for years esp if it made him question his sexuality or he was unable to feel things for others cause of his attachment to Sooin but he refuses to allow himself to love Sooin or "forgive" Sooin for "tempting" him so he goes on that whole years long convoluted revenge plot of a relationship with Sooin. but..that's not what redhead's monologue said so...either HE doesnt know that or the author is holding off on that reveal or maybe I'm putting more thought into this psycho bastard's motivations than the author is ? lol. anyway, if this is all we were gonna learn about sungha's reason for being an evil fucker then im gonna have to say Pass. tbh. (like i wont feel bad for him no matter what his reasons are but as far as reasons go? this was kinda lame. ya his mom killed herself but firstly her killing herself without first Confirming her fears says to ME that she was prob thinking about suicide long before her 12 yr old son made goo goo eyes at his classmate. like jfc lady they were children. like it sucks to be cheated on but most people dont kill themselves because of it and sungha thinking he or sooin were to blame is absurd but i guess expecting logic from a sex comic about vampires is perhaps too much .) off i trot to look at the raws i guess.

    Hehe January 7, 2021 7:11 am

    i do not regret reading this