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Why can’t it just be poly? I mean seriously...(1)

sushiii January 7, 2021 3:44 am

Why can’t it just be poly? I mean seriously...(1)

    [email protected] January 7, 2021 6:06 am

    In order to be poly, one must have more than 1 sexual partner(s) in a relationship with romantic feelings involved. Since they are technically “brothers”, it would be weird if they all started dating eachother. Plus they don’t have any sexual attraction to eachother aside from being attracted Dongha. Get your point, it just wouldn’t work in poly terms lol

    quinny January 7, 2021 6:24 pm
    In order to be poly, one must have more than 1 sexual partner(s) in a relationship with romantic feelings involved. Since they are technically “brothers”, it would be weird if they all started dating eachot... [email protected]

    Sorry- but that’s not entirely true- people can in fact be poly and only attracted to one person in the group. They don’t have to all be sexual attracted to each other for it to still be considered a poly relationship.