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If you're in the same situation as your mother and you saw how she turned out wouldn't tha...

Mary January 6, 2021 12:02 am

If you're in the same situation as your mother and you saw how she turned out wouldn't that make you not want to be in the same situation?

    toto January 25, 2021 11:22 am

    In the webtoon it clearly states how she has a mental illness not to mention the other things brought on by her horid father

    Alenira January 25, 2021 12:48 pm

    Not only is she mentaly ill, she was also abandoned alone with a physicaly bedridden mother who had a first grade seat to the garden in which the father paraded his beloved comcubine and child for them to see. Fl and her mother were prety much abandoned by the father so the servants followed suit and only gave them the bare minimum they neede. She was starved for love, because all her mothers love was focused on the father who ignored them. When she first met Ml, he acnoleged her existence aka she was imprinted by him like a freshly hatched baby chick! The reason she was taken to the palace in the first place was her father trying to make up to her for the neglect, but he could see the damage was already done as this was after she had been alone with her dead mothers corps for a few days!. The only reason the father tried to fix their relationship was because the comcubine felt sorry for Fl for stealing her life, so tried to have her adopted into their loving family of 3. But Fl was to damage to function in the loving noicy enviroment.

    toto January 25, 2021 4:00 pm
    Not only is she mentaly ill, she was also abandoned alone with a physicaly bedridden mother who had a first grade seat to the garden in which the father paraded his beloved comcubine and child for them to see. ... Alenira

    Thank you for explaining it perfectly cuz she didn't have the proper attachement growing up and psychologists know that kids without secure attachments to their parents are pretty much going to end up being more self conscious, less trusting etc. In relationships of any type not to mention her father being a neglectful parent and her mother just flat out being abusive/toxic it's quite understandable that she would grow up to be hot headed and unable to manage her emotions as properly than a person with better parents. There are a lot of other things too but I'm not ready to go back through my psychology papers lol