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Dammmn. I binged the hell out of this manga in a day haha :( so sad that I have to wait fo...

Sherlockwhovian September 29, 2015 4:07 am

Dammmn. I binged the hell out of this manga in a day haha :( so sad that I have to wait for an update on this now. Guuuh, the waiting part is the worst.

Can someone explain what's going on with Natsuo and that Tachibana dude? Like why did the lawyer lady ask Natsuo and the doctor guy to stop him? I get her telling Natsuo to break it off with the guy because he need to wake up and get back to living his "normal" strict life, but why make the doctor guy help out too??

    tolly October 21, 2015 9:21 am

    He owes her because she got him his current job.

    Sherlockwhovian October 22, 2015 5:33 am
    He owes her because she got him his current job. @tolly

    Ooh that makes sense. But why does she need both of them to get the guy to break it off?

    Anon October 23, 2015 4:19 pm
    Ooh that makes sense. But why does she need both of them to get the guy to break it off? Sherlockwhovian

    Maybe two is better than one??