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Noches January 3, 2021 6:17 am

I don't really know what to say about John all i know is that he's angry and jealous about the fact that the same high tiers have made low tiers (cripples) feel safe after he obtained power when that's all he ever wanted when he was a cripple. They are all hypocrites all of them, they have only realized the problem when it comes their way when it was sooooo prevalent like u couldn't miss it

Now they are angry about the product of their hypocrisy and pin all the hate on him.
What i can say is that a person who has been powerless all their lives should speak to John and tell him get some therapy (if they have one in that world where they don't subject people to relive their past time and time again) I don't really know how this problem can be fixed without John losing his powers once again (or becoming a Superhero which would be weird) but will the cycle of hate end or will it continue with John just being abused over and over again.
How is this school and hierarchy going to change without changing the way the world is or is the world going to change??
