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Slight spoiler lies here!

BalanceUnlimited_$00 January 3, 2021 12:57 am

Damn this was a good read, however outarou made me feel very uncomfortable I really didn’t know where the author was going with this relationship. Made no sense as to why no one told him that Ran was like only 10 and just changed her appearance to look older??? So many opportunities and each time no one said anything I was so close to dropping it for that but I’m glad hibi got his time to shine next to her. And I’m glad to see she’s matured a lot at the end. Will definitely be re-reading this some time in the future.

I took so many screenshots to print out later the art is just beautiful.

    Nogla March 11, 2024 12:00 am

    Nobody told him because it would give away the fact that she was using magic when clearly the adults didnt want people to know that she could mysteriously turn older lol but i agree it probably could’ve been avoided had they just told him…