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Mr. Han

angel <3 January 1, 2021 9:15 pm

Uh hello I’m seeing a lot of comments of ppl asking why others don’t like Mr. Han and uh here’s my reason. I don’t like Mr.Han bcs while he was sleeping with sum other ppl Param and Hwi were going at it and I LOVE them together. For me it’s obvious that Mr.Han just wants to sleep with Param and Mr. Han’s back story is just bs lmao but anyways Param is also annoying in my opinion in this manwha they made him so clueless over the little cute clues Hwi leaves for him and it’s obvious that Hwi wants to be with him and he loves Param. The person that Mr. Han left for Param told Param that he’s gonna use him just for his needs and I honestly believe it bcs why would someone just say that outta no where. And also it was confirmed that Mr. Han did use him. but THE REASON IM UPSET IS BCS OF HWI. HE DESERVES BETTER. ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Chimmy4405 January 1, 2021 9:34 pm

    Not to mention he made his bed buddy feel bad just because han was in a bad mood.