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I’m disgusted by those readers who think Akamine is not guilty (or doesn’t deserve to ...

Chinko:) December 31, 2020 4:05 am

I’m disgusted by those readers who think Akamine is not guilty (or doesn’t deserve to be raped by Utsumi) because he was drunk when he raped Utsumi. Being drunk doesn’t mean you did not conduct the crime.
Remember the real-life Korean criminal named Cho Doosoon who raped the little 10-year-old girl (resulting in her losing about 80 percent of her colon and will need a colostomy bag for the rest of her life due to the damage to her internal organs)? He got only 12 years behind bar due to the reason he was drunk at the time he conducted the rape. People are so angry about this event. Do you still think being drunk is an accuse for raping someone that results in mental trauma???
