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I swear to god if this website does not stop redirecting me to advertisements Everytime I ...

Me September 20, 2015 1:53 am

I swear to god if this website does not stop redirecting me to advertisements Everytime I go to another page I'm going to go insane and jump out a window D:< but his was a really good manga really enjoyed it

    Annski September 20, 2015 4:03 am

    really?!?! wow the redirecting must be annoying :3 maybe get adblock? i never get any redirects :D

    Shameless September 21, 2015 2:04 am

    I have Adblocker too. I never get redirected. But I also have the 'multi-page' box checked.

    ~YaoiLover^^ September 23, 2015 11:30 pm

    Adblock should prevent all ads (i have none) if you are using mobile you may be shit outta luck; ive been trying to figure out how to stop skipping pages for over a year now

    Example: on pg 1--> tap to change--> goes to pg 3

    Anonymous September 25, 2015 5:51 am

    that's been happening to me to and its only wen im reading up here

    chachacha September 27, 2015 2:22 pm

    It's mainly on mobile. But it is more than irritating; you can't even read anymore. I switch with other manga sites and go back here after a while. Somehow the redirects will cease if you're not using the site after sometimes. Same thing happens with every manga sites I often go to.

    obake-chan October 7, 2015 10:01 am
    Adblock should prevent all ads (i have none) if you are using mobile you may be shit outta luck; ive been trying to figure out how to stop skipping pages for over a year now Example: on pg 1--> tap to change... ~YaoiLover^^

    That happened to me and was so annoying e.e You can solve the skippping page thing with the 'multi pages' option.

    Loumona7 January 23, 2016 11:42 pm

    Just delete your... Huh... "recent page", I did That and know there are no mode problems... Just "wash", re-initialise your internet... Suppress the informations and maybe it's gonna work :/

    ~YaoiLover^^ January 26, 2016 12:38 am
    That happened to me and was so annoying e.e You can solve the skippping page thing with the 'multi pages' option. obake-chan

    yea i left it alone and started using multi pages around the beginning of nov

    obake-chan January 26, 2016 12:30 pm
    yea i left it alone and started using multi pages around the beginning of nov ~YaoiLover^^

    I think that is more useful if you manage this site in a phone device c: multi pages never gave me any trouble on mine x)

    ~YaoiLover^^ January 26, 2016 10:23 pm
    I think that is more useful if you manage this site in a phone device c: multi pages never gave me any trouble on mine x) obake-chan

    ya it is ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭