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Aaaahh i really want to have sex even though i am 12. i must be a pervert

Anonymous September 20, 2015 1:33 am

Aaaahh i really want to have sex even though i am 12. i must be a pervert

    Water-an'-Wisdom October 12, 2015 4:48 am

    You're ok, Ixstarted being a perv when I was 9... Is that bad?... Who cares!

    Surfyboyz October 12, 2015 6:30 am

    You're normal, especially if you're already reading this stuff. It will stimulate your sexual drives. If you want to cool off a bit, it's pretty simple: concentrate on other stuff and lay off the porn. Perverts aren't people who think about sex, because that's almost everyone past puberty. Perverts are people who have twisted and unhealthy sexual obsessions. Like, they get turned on by exposing themselves to unwilling viewers. Perversion has more to do with sex turned ugly and cruel and exploitive.

    Wine October 14, 2015 7:42 pm

    You're normal, just make sure it's consensual and use condoms and lube when you do find the person that you want to be with. (preferably when you can't get into legal trouble for it) Even if it's with a member of the opposite sex. Though make sure you know what you like first by yourself and that your partner does too. Instructional manuals help because everyone is different. Communication is something that everyone needs to do more of. I hope your first experience is a good one. <3

    vivi September 6, 2017 12:34 pm

    Im already 21 and im still a virgin well im in the group on NBSB haha well im just sharing this.. well make sure your not gonna regret having your first time with and be sure to always use protection.. haha

    raindragon April 7, 2018 5:33 am

    much later reply to a lot of stupid replies. In most states it is a felony to speak the way you guys are speaking to this child. jeez. wise up, idiots

    Wine April 7, 2018 9:02 am
    much later reply to a lot of stupid replies. In most states it is a felony to speak the way you guys are speaking to this child. jeez. wise up, idiots raindragon

    What? Telling people that they are just like everyone else is a "felony" when I'm just saying things any basic sex education class would say? -_- As people reach puberty they need to be told things and the more educated they are, the less likely they are to get their teenage girlfriend pregnant. That and if you aren't communicating with your partner properly, and they say no, but you don't hear it, that's still rape. Maybe if, as a culture, we were more sex positive we wouldn't have people like you shaming people for a natural part of human biology. Being honest and open about how you feel in an anonymous place, is sometimes the only real place people can be honest without the fear of being shamed to shut the fuck the up. If people are grown enough to ask the question they are grown enough to hear a real answer. (That and my opposite sex comment is meant for if you're with a lady, some people assume because biology is meant to do that, that things don't need a bit of help. Which also could lead to things like condom tearing, but with that it's best to use water based lube.) These are things often not taught to kids before they become sexually active, so yeah, I'm totally willing to educate people who need to be educated. I'd rather have a kid practice safe sex with their peers than to not, and end up with an STI, STD, or a child. (Ohh also, I forgot to add get your HPV vaccine, girls and guys! Everyone needs it.)