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Krono or w/e

Saseko December 29, 2020 11:31 pm

Everything is revolving of her doing nothing except protect the white hair boy....
Why does she need to get the necklace like in the original story? Is not like the FL from the story can't strive without it and even she can can't why dos she even care?

    Laibali December 31, 2020 11:33 pm

    Seriously? She doesnt care that much but its better to have the necklace as it will be used by eclet . Moreover she told her fiance to get her the necklace to show his worth, this way she is challenging her fiance and keepimg him in check, she doesnt care that much. Its all strategy. And obviously she has a kroan as a servant, wherever she will go ppl will be mean and she will have to protect bcz she has a superior rank.