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... December 29, 2020 8:19 pm

Just because YOU didn't study doesn't mean other people cheated!

I'm not bragging but I did well in high school. Actually, LET ME BRAG BECAUSE I DID WELL SINCE I PUT IN THE EFFORT TO DO WELL! As someone who put my all into my schoolwork, I've always hated my effort being reduced to "oh, its because she's a teacher's pet, thats why she did well" or "it's because she's asian" or any other arbitrary reason that COMPLETELY DISREGARDS MY EFFORTS! I did well because I did well! I put in the effort, I enjoy learning, I enjoy memorizing things, or its simply easy - it doesn't matter how YOU feel, don't reduce my (her) good results to make yourself feel better!

Lol, sorry, I still have some rage left over from my high school days.

    ... January 1, 2021 1:23 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! UDontNeedToKnowWho

    I understand that.

    Most of my siblings are teachers or work in the education system so I felt comfortable with teachers (of course, not all teachers). But honestly, I simply liked my teachers and had a lot of respect for them, so I enjoyed talking to them. I never put a distance between us (teachers and I) because I found the relationships I formed with teachers to be a lot more wholesome and sincere than the students/peers who felt like students shouldn't form interpersonal relations with teachers and mentors.

    But I completely understand the fear or discomfort of forming relationships with teachers because of the judgment of others.

    High school (especially in America) sucks for a lot of reasons and this is only the tip of the iceberg...