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Y’all want taku happy and blah blah and Y’all don’t see that he was the most toxic a...

minminsaa December 29, 2020 11:18 am

Y’all want taku happy and blah blah and Y’all don’t see that he was the most toxic after haeso CUASE all he wanted was to fuck with him as an object(manipulation) and then that he realized that haeso is actually a person he started liking him from nowhere... this is bullshit.
Also ppl are going to say but joowon was toxic... UM NO joowon said that in the story that haeso was the one making him seem toxic and the one who throw him like he was nothing. So In conclusion Stan joowon cause this baby the whole time all he wanted was love from haeso.
( and I don’t wanna talk about the fact that taek already knew that after asking desperate for love from haeso that heaso would leave him)
