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Star24 September 10, 2015 9:05 pm

If you are expecting sweetness and extreme realism and portrayal of stuff in Yaoi , then i kindly advice you to GTFO.

I mean really , you like it or hate it , it matters not , it's fantansy , the moral of the story of these stories is that Love overcomes all the stuff. Honestly i don't like ''rape'' but this isn't even real , nor is the main focus , the outcome is what matters , the feeling that they love each other at the end , even if it's not realistic ,that's how this genre works.

    Momo September 10, 2015 9:31 pm

    Mrs Yaoi President ....! I voted you '

    Tilio September 10, 2015 10:38 pm

    The problem with this one is that it doesnt even feel like love it feels half-assed and just..terrible for lack of better word

    Sakura Cherryblossom September 11, 2015 12:18 am

    Just because it's fantasy doesn't mean it can't be terrible?
    This is a bad story line in my opinion.

    And it's not bad for people to get tired of what I'm pretty sure is artists being to lazy or unoriginal 3nough to right a story where rape isn't used as some cute plot device for couples to get together!

    I'm honestly not concerned about realism, I just personally prefer a bit of actual plot...... seriously not concerned if it's realistic, I just read a story about a guy being in love with a tomato.....but I do like to read stories that are either obviously trying to portray a plot and emotions or obviously portraying sex, and they can do both, but this story really does neither well.