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about the manhwa

yla December 25, 2020 6:56 pm

hi this is gonna be long ( sort of ! ) so i hope ya'll will be able to bear with me

when i first planned to read this, i didnt have that high expectations of it. just judging by the topics and comments created, i was so sure this was gonna suck. about 20 chapters in, my mind was contemplating to drop it since i cant take all the homophobia. 40 chapters in and that's when i can see the chatacter development so i tried to continue the story ( note that the manhwa was on thin fucking ice ) moving on , when ive fully caught up to the manhwa, i found myself hoping for someone to translate the remaining chapters.

honestly, for a manhwa that is created in 2008 where homophobia is rampant and overlooked, it was surprisingly informative and well written. i expected the conversation between the characters to be centered around justifying homophobia from a hetero's homophobic point of view but boy was i wrong. tho i cant say that this is a very unique story, i can be sure that this story will grow to u in no time. the manhwa talked abt things like, outing someone, lying for a good cause (?) , interanlized homophobia, fear of stepping into a world youre unfamiliar with and so many more ! if ure planning on dropping this, i suggest u to maybe read a few more chapters ^__^

a lot of dialogues are logically flawed and kind of off - putting ( ex. the mention of heterophobia Which doesnt exist >:] ) and i wont deny that but give it a chance ..

and also, does anyone have the raws?
