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waited two years for this shit smh

ditzychi December 25, 2020 2:54 am

im tired i want to get to the end my poor haesol bby deserves better, and minho may be an asshole but he def doesnt deserve r@pe man wtf i hate that sm... anyways. treat my femboy bby w respect or catch these hands duna!

    xxstoopidxx December 25, 2020 7:23 pm

    haesol needs to place himself higher he knows duna doesn't want a relationship why cant he do what the the other girl did and leave but fr tho minho is an ass with his toxic masculinity but no one deserves that i always dropp this for a bit and come back and its the same place where it started ;-; no character development just rape and toxic shiz im pron gonna drop this fur a couple months again and come back and its still gonna be where it is now sadly

    hwi's h0e December 27, 2020 7:25 pm

    I'm pretty sure Haesol with end up with Duna's brother tbh