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Spoilers from the raw

Alenira December 24, 2020 3:18 pm

Spoilers from the raw.

So the "heroin" does her best to ruin Fl's rep by saying she cheats in all subjects, One of the Heroins male suitors desides to question FL as he is the Geek type and he gets shocked my Fls knowlege as she helps him by finding the book he needs in the library. Fl suports the Geeks persuit of the Heroin.
Heroin keeps butting into FL's relationships, going as far as to "accidentaly" running into them while in town shoping and offcorse she takes Fl's crust as her escort.
Fl's crust gives Fl a butterfly hair piece she wars to a school ball and Fl is left standing alone as her fiance is dancing with the Heroin, but then Prince swoops in for her first dance. Everyone in stunned by how well they dance and suit eacother. Prince escorts Fl to the balcony and they talk, he gives Fl his jacket and goes to get her a drink. The crush show up and fl and crush talk and she ask him to dance and they do on the balony. Crush strokes Fl's cheek and she blushes and he blushes and Prince is sneekng in between them joking (somthing like " you look like a pair of secert lovers" or somthing along those lines).
Fl walks inside to tjeck the hall, Crush and Prince stay on the balcony. Heroin come in screaming at fl and cussing at her, fl is shocked. The two guys listen in and see the Heroin's tantrum (she dosnt notice them).
Next day the crush and Prince hang out with the Heroin and Fl disides to ignore them. Later Fl sees Heroin sneak around and follows her to the slums where Heroin is spying on a house. Some rough looking men are inside the house talking and Heroin is spying on them when Fl walks up and ask her what she is doing, Heroin losses her temper and screams at Fl. The men in the house come out and suround them, bind their hands and legs and bring them inside.
From what i undertsand the men were planning a kidnaping, because they are in finantial dificulties due to some nobel.
Fl tries to comfort the Heroin, but Heroin is pissed at FL and screams at her.. Somthing along the lines of "this is all your fault, you should have stayed locked up, your ruining my life stealing everything from me, you have everything now". Fl gets angry and talks back making Heroin shocked and stop complaining. Fl prop said " Why are you complaining you have everything!". Fl gets Heroin to help unbind her hands and she frees them both. Heroi is like "what good does this do".
Fl smiles at Heroin, walks over and opens a book and proceeds to give herself a papercut!
Heroin is shocked! A drop of blood forms on Fl's finger and Rose Petals swarms in the air, Heroin paniks. Fl flings her finger with blood at a wall and with in sekonds the wall and most of the house explodes!. Heroin passed out, Fl smiles as her Male atendant shows up and scold her! The Black haired male atendant blew up the wall and house following the sent of Rosses from FL's blood. The Atendant of FL is most likely the Dragon!

    aei December 24, 2020 3:17 pm

    So, the heroine is also isekai'd or reincarnated? And would she not seem crazy to everyone else like the constant slander and tantrums personally would make me wary to be around someone like that

    Bee.__. December 24, 2020 3:23 pm


    hibari XD December 24, 2020 3:23 pm

    thanks for the spoiler

    Aaa December 24, 2020 3:34 pm

    Thank you for the spoiler

    altumnrain December 24, 2020 5:01 pm

    can you link the raw pls??(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Alenira December 24, 2020 5:08 pm
    can you link the raw pls??(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 altumnrain


    Aaa December 24, 2020 7:58 pm
    Link Alenira

    I. Couldn’t read what they were saying but the heroine was still pissing me tf ofg