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There are so many people here wanting Take and Mine to be together.. Personally, I don't b...

Cece September 4, 2015 4:21 pm

There are so many people here wanting Take and Mine to be together..
Personally, I don't believe that would work. The reason Take is so interested in Mine in the first place is because he is so in love Hiroi. And Mine is not attracted to Take in a romantic way. He likes him more as an important friend (with benefits lol), not the way he likes Hiroi. It might be just a little sad for Take who has a one-sided love for Mine, but he seems to be fine with the situation as it is. It's not simply because he doesn't want Hiroi to get hurt - if Mine started to like Take instead of Hiroi I don't really think he would want to be with him. Like I said before, Mine's love for Hiroi is partly why he even likes him. If Mine wasn't like that, I don't think Take would be interested in him, tbh.

    takame October 27, 2015 2:53 pm

    i totally agree. and some people miss this little detail, forgetting the reason why take got interested in mine in the first place (no hiroi, no mine). and that he is totally fine with the setup they had now.

    Anonymous October 30, 2015 12:23 am

    I want Hiroi x Mine. I think I'm the only one lol. I do like Take x Mine for a sexual relationship bc they r just hotttt Fire sexy.

    Anon December 23, 2015 2:52 am

    The author has also said that Take loves Mine because Mine puts him in a different position then he does Hiroi. Before I even read the author's quote, I was thinking why people want Mine and Take together when it's obvious that Mine doesn't like Take in that way. But I guess people always go for the sex.