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I am so glad the author put into words whats going on with those three. Because like it ou...

MysticMad September 3, 2015 11:32 pm

I am so glad the author put into words whats going on with those three. Because like it out not Take does't love Mine. At best they're close friends with benefits nothing more. Though I will say you people worried me considering that take had a lot of issues when it came to Mine in the during a lot of the manga. Call Hiroi selfish and a jerk all you want he never punched Mine. :|

    Anonymous October 30, 2015 12:26 am

    Lol but Hiroi was quite sadistic sexually to Mine. Remember? I'd say that's almost equal to a punch in the face. Bc Hiroi is very fucked up but I enjoy that aspect bc im also.

    MysticMad November 1, 2015 1:01 am
    Lol but Hiroi was quite sadistic sexually to Mine. Remember? I'd say that's almost equal to a punch in the face. Bc Hiroi is very fucked up but I enjoy that aspect bc im also. @Anonymous

    Idk man, the one getting off on punching people is more of a sadist to me.

    Anon December 23, 2015 2:54 am
    Lol but Hiroi was quite sadistic sexually to Mine. Remember? I'd say that's almost equal to a punch in the face. Bc Hiroi is very fucked up but I enjoy that aspect bc im also. @Anonymous

    I didn't know being sadistic equals a punch to the face before. That's kind of scary how you equate the two. Mine likes Hiroi sadistic nature and the way Hiroi talks to him. Take is just abusive.